
Saving to/Reading from XML file (.apn)
Saving SVG shapshot of the selected page

Model files are stored in XML format for transparency (more specifically, a "pretty" (or clean) XML format using Xstream

Chart report optons shown when "Save Chart" is open. Up to five curves can be included in a single chart. First column names correspond to the legends of the curves (set by default as the place names the place is selected in the second column). Only the places with sensors appear in the selection options for the second column. Once the place is selected in the second column, the sensor from the place can be selected in the third column. The fourth column shows whether the selected sensor is mean or not (this column cannot be edited here since this choice is made while setting up the sensor), the fifth column provides an option between the "hits" (number of times in the simulation when a given threshold is crossed during the last time step) and probability that a threshold is crossed for regular sensors. For mean sensors the choice is between displaying mean value or the variance for the number of tokens in a given place at a given time step. Selecting "Diff" allows to see the normalized rate of change of the quantity of interest (if we evaluate the probability this provides a PDF chart).

Once the report is configured it can be saved and loaded later as needed, when the model is rerun (this assumes that the sensors of the model were unchanged).

As of Version 2.1.6 simulation trace (the history of tokens travelling through the net) is automatically written into the matlab file "trace.mat" the details are described in the Simulation Options.

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